sunday i continued on my "busy" streak as matt and i attended our first premarital class, then headed to lexi's last puppy class (she is scheduled to graduate next sunday!), before i left early to go to my sister, sarah's, baby shower. i had lots of fun, but i was tired at the end of the day! monday turned out to be an exciting day as well, since it was my first official night as a "real" nurse (with no preceptor, trainer, etc.). of course, lexi made sure that i didn't get all the attention. apparently, while i was sleeping and she was playing outside, she decided to eat, or attempt to eat, a bee, wasp or some other sort of stinging insect. when i woke up to let her back in i thought she had something in her mouth. when i reached in her mouth to remove the foreign object, i realized that it was her face that was so swollen (it's her left side, you can see it in the picture)! she won herself a trip to the vet, only to get weighed (the pic of her in the leash) so i could give her some benadryl with her dinner to decrease the swelling since she didn't seem to be having any other problems. for those that are curious, she weighed in a 39.8 lbs...a far cry from the 11 lbs she was when we brought her home on june 17th! the benadryl worked marvelously and lexi no longer has any swelling or signs of problems from the encounter, and hopefully she has learned not to play with stinging-type insects! my night at work went well too, if any of you were concerned about that ;)
fyi-matt and i take our engagement pics this friday (weather permitting) so i will try to have a few of those up as soon as possible afterwards!