some things don't change, even when you're 1100 miles away ;)
for the first time in nearly two months, 46 days to be exact, i got to see my husband! i left on september 23rd after working all night to fly to ohio for a week-long visit. and quite honestly, i never thought i'd be so happy to be in ohio for a week! i usually have a great time when i go visit, but this time was, of course, better than ever. we spent the week catching up, running around the columbus area for various errands, getting matt's car fixed and for tim & erin's wedding (see
next post). matt was even sweet enough to rent us a hotel room for the first night i was there so we didn't have to drive all the way to urbana (an hour away). the detailed version is as follows:
the week started off well enough with the hotel and free breakfast thursday morning, but matt's car wouldn't start when we we ready to leave. we called AAA, but i was able to get the car running before they got there and we drove it to a mechanic in springfield. we were worried the transmission was going out, but found out on friday that it was just the timing belt and a few other things. we ended up having to drop quite a bit of money on it, but it's still way cheaper than a new car! friday we had dinner in urbana with matt's family and got to play with our niece, maddie sue.
the next morning we headed into columbus for tim & erin's wedding. it rained all day, but it didn't matter because the buckeyes won their game, and that's really all that matters in ohio ;)
the wedding was in the morning, then everyone met at a pub to watch the game before heading to the reception. the whole day was great and i got to hang out with some of matt's friends.
sunday was a lazy day, house sitting for tim & erin and watching their two pets: elroy the cat and emma the dog, and having dinner with eddie & his girlfriend, sister, at schmidt's in the german village in columbus. monday we met eddie & sis for breakfast before taking them to the dayton airport. then, we headed to springfield to pick up matt's now-working car! we had dinner with matt's mom & miah (our nephew) before heading back to tim & erin's to watch the cowboys win their game. go cowboys!
tuesday matt had to teach so i took the GPS and went to the grocery store and drove all the way to the mall (aka- easton) all on my own! whoo hoo for not getting lost in cities you've never driven in before! then wednesday, we met matt's family for dinner before i had to catch my flight back to texas.
of course, the trip was all too short and i'm already back in texas now and scheduled to work 5 of the next 6 days :P no bueno!
also, i have to say a
big thank you to ryan & carrie for agreeing to watch lexi (in addition to their own two labs) for the entire week. you guys are life savers! thanks a billion!
i've included some pics from the trip (i didn't take as many as i usually do...sorry!).
headed to ryan & carrie's house before work to drop off lex
couldn't resist this photo op...
walking around easton with our starbucks
(i'd been awake for like 30 hours)
"i'm makin' waffles!" at the hotel
giving heather the blanket i made for her
back at easton, *had* to get an ohio state sweatshirt
david & maddie sue
maddie sue
visiting with eddie & his girlfriend, sister
...we went to schmidt's, a sausage house in columbus
wii bowling at tim & erin's house
sister playing with tim & erin's dog, emma
the newlyweds' pets we were watching: