Wednesday, December 28, 2011
christmas 2011
10 months
another month come and gone, and with it the holiday season has passed us by in a rush! noah's first christmas seemed to come and go all too quickly, but we did get to enjoy some time off work and spend the holiday with family. christmas eve also marked noah's 10th month in this world, and looking back it's hard to believe that it's been that long ago that he made his debut in our family. he has grown so much since then, of course, but i still look at him and see a sweet little boy who does things in very much his own way.
Friday, December 16, 2011
cookie fest 2011
Friday, December 2, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
first thanksgiving
part of the food
it's holiday time and that means noah is enjoying another round of firsts, including his first thanksgiving. we celebrated with the extended family at ray & sarah's house and enjoyed a day of food, fun and the opportunity to count our many blessings. noah had a great time seeing great aunts and uncles and playing with cousins. matt and i enjoyed ourselves too, even though this year wasn't nearly as much fun for me since i couldn't attribute all the eating to being pregnant, or enjoy the comfort of maternity pants ;) i did, unfortunately, have to work at 7pm, but since i don't have to drive downtown anymore i didn't have to leave the celebration *too* early.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
9 months
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
our little pumpkin

Thursday, October 27, 2011
a trip to ohio
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ohio 2011 |
Monday, October 24, 2011
8 months
is it even possible that noah is already 8 months old?! with each month our littlest king becomes less and less an infant and more and more his own little self. it's amazing to watch this transformation and see him taking in the world around him and learning new things every day. it should probably make me more sad to see him flying through this first year, but i can't help but be excited when i see him accomplish something for the first time or perfect something he's been working on. his little smile and the look that says, "whoa, i just did that!" is so awesome!
during the past month noah has perfected his crawling skills. he now has no problems cruising through the living room, around in the kitchen or up and down the hall. albeit in his very own "noah way" which looks something like a modified bear crawl. the majority of the time he insists on using his right leg to propel himself forward with it straight in a bear-crawl manner while practically dragging his left leg behind him. at first i was seriously concerned that there was something wrong with one of his legs and did a -- or several-- full nursing assessments on him. finding nothing acutely wrong, i finally gave into the fact that just like everything else our little boy has done, he is going to do this his way and not be influenced by external factors. either way, he's crawling and loving it and we are loving watching him as he grasps his ability to further explore the world around him.
he has also recently developed a love of the "i'm gonna get you" game. he will start crawling away from you if you tell him you're "gonna get him" and then turn to make sure you are actually chasing him. so cute! he also has no problems transitioning from sitting to lying or crawling to sitting. in related news, noah also learned to pull up onto the furniture and stand on his own this month, this was *very* exciting for him, since he had an entirely new vantage point and had always loved to stand anyway. because of this, we also had to lower his crib mattress to the lowest setting. since then there have been several mornings and after-nap times i have walked into his room to see a cute little face looking at me over the top rail when i walk in. the first few times it actually was pretty alarming, since i definitely wasn't used to that!
because of his new-found ability to stand noah has also decided that, if possible, the majority of his day should be spent walking around the house holding onto someone's fingers. hopefully this stage won't last too long, because it tends to wear out your back, or your knees if you go that route instead. he's also been practicing cruising along the furniture, but doesn't care for that nearly as much. in fact, oftentimes i have to place some toy or other incentive on the other end of the couch to convince him to practice walking that way instead of using a personal assistant.
noah has also graduated into the first stage of finger foods, namely cheerios. we started trying them during the week of october 10th and eventually noah warmed up to the idea of non-pureed foods. he's a fan now, although we still have to feed them to him one-by-one, because he hasn't quite figured out the coordination of grasping, transporting, and transferring those little O's to his mouth. it's a work in progress.
in social news, noah had a *very* busy month. on september 25th we made our annual trip to the dallas arboretum with my parents and the proctor kiddos. we had a great time, despite it being unreasonably warm for a trip to the pumpkin patch, and enjoyed the opportunity to capture some pics against the gorgeous fall backgrounds. noah was a good little trooper and eventually took a nap on his daddy's shoulder when he just couldn't take any more fun. hopefully next year we will be able to get some pictures of him there in his halloween costume since that didn't work out this year.
other social events for out little one included a long-anticipated trip to ohio to visit and meet his paternal relatives during the 3rd week of october. despite some serious concern over the flight and how he would cope with such drastic changes to his schedule (a time change and the fact that we had plans pretty much every day!), the trip was a huge success and noah did splendidly. that doesn't mean there weren't tears, bedtime struggles and missed naps, but for the most part noah was a great little trooper and absolutely *loved* all the round-the-clock attention from grandparents, cousins and aunts and uncles. noah did better than expected on the flight, and hopefully that is a pattern that will continue, since i'm sure this was only the first of many flights to ohio (i don't see us choosing the car route for several years...). it also provided a much needed break for us weary parents, away from work and home cares and with some extra hands to help out during the day. it was also the first time in a while that we got to see each other for more than a few hours at a time since we weren't constantly switching "shifts" of work and child care. very nice!
noah also was able to celebrate his cousin jonah's 4th birthday at the fire station in parker. despite the late hours and lack of a nap, noah did a great job at the fire station while watching the older kids play with gear, practice using the fire hoses and crawl around in the fire engines. it was only after dinner and present opening that he really got fussy. understandable!
and, of course, you'll have to check back for pics from noah's first halloween in a few days!
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8 months |
Thursday, September 22, 2011
7 months
our little man turns 7 months old on the 24th and he's been busy! in the past month he has perfected sitting up on his own and rolling front to back, back to front and any other way he pleases. he's been able to roll around for a little while, but he now insists on trying to roll during diaper changes, which makes for an interesting experience. he's also scooting all over the floor. i wouldn't actually call it crawling, yet, but he can get himself over to toys or other items of interest (a new favorite: cell it begins!) by alternating between getting up on all fours and squirming on his tummy. he figured out how to get up onto his hands and knees one morning while matt was getting ready for work. he was playing on the bed and suddenly pushed up onto all fours. luckily, the camera was nearby and matt and i were both able to witness this milestone. you'd never think that such a little thing would bring about so much excitement. it seriously made our day :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011
august/september birthdays
while the summer is drawing to an end, "birthday season" is revving up around here. within 2 weeks we have 3 birthdays here in texas: alex on august 31st, shari on september 7th and my mom on september 9th (after that come october and november birthdays, totaling 5 on my side of the family alone!). our niece madeline sue also celebrated her 3rd birthday on september 7th and enjoyed it with a party in ohio.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
6 month pics

on one of the few days not over 100 degrees, we had our wonderful friend leah luquette come and take some more pictures of noah for his 6 month set. we were actually able to get some pretty good images outside despite noah being a little sleepy (his nap schedule was all off that day, of course) and it still being pretty warm. all in all, i think they turned out pretty great, and you can see noah's curious personality shining through in all of them :)