our little man turns 7 months old on the 24th and he's been busy! in the past month he has perfected sitting up on his own and rolling front to back, back to front and any other way he pleases. he's been able to roll around for a little while, but he now insists on trying to roll during diaper changes, which makes for an interesting experience. he's also scooting all over the floor. i wouldn't actually call it crawling, yet, but he can get himself over to toys or other items of interest (a new favorite: cell phones....so it begins!) by alternating between getting up on all fours and squirming on his tummy. he figured out how to get up onto his hands and knees one morning while matt was getting ready for work. he was playing on the bed and suddenly pushed up onto all fours. luckily, the camera was nearby and matt and i were both able to witness this milestone. you'd never think that such a little thing would bring about so much excitement. it seriously made our day :)
a video from the 16th showing early crawling efforts:
in the past few days he's also figured out how to go from lying on his stomach to a sitting position all on his own! that one caught me a bit off guard -- we were playing on the floor on our tummies and i looked away for a second and when i looked back he was sitting up. i praised him quite a bit and he gave me a look that said, "what? what's the big deal?" like he'd been able to do that since day 1.
look, ma! no hands!

noah also loves to eat. his feedings are divided between breastmilk and solids and while there are some foods he prefers more than others, there really aren't any that he doesn't like. he's recently taken a more active interest in meal-times though, wanting to touch and play with his food, cup, spoon, etc. and it can get quite messy if we aren't careful! another love? going on walks in his new stroller. he loves to be outside, and now that the weather isn't sweltering every day (it's no longer 95 degrees at 10pm) we are able to go on walks more frequently. a couple times i've even had to put him in long sleeves! speaking of weather, since the last update our status as "hottest texas summer" has been granted! earlier this month we hit the record for most days over 100 degrees (though we missed the mark for consecutive 100 degree days), a whopping 70 days during the summer, beating out the previous record from 1980 (69 days). fortunately, the cooler weather we have been experiencing came right on the tail of that last day, dropping temps into the 80's and low 90's and eventually even bringing some rain. while noah still doesn't seem to care about any of this, he can always say that he lived through the hottest summer in texas.
my two drooling quadripeds...
helping with laundry
other than the record-breaking heat, it's been pretty uneventful around here. matt and i are still working on balancing demanding work schedules and the full-time care of our sweet little man. sometimes it's tough, but noah is so much fun that it's hard to get frustrated at any part of it. even after i've worked all night i can't help but smile when i come home and see that big gummy grin when i walk in the door. so priceless!
yes, there are more pictures. click the image below!