happy 4th of july!

another busy week around the king household! this week we were visited by matt's dad and jacquie, along with jacquie's son josh. we did a lot of fun things, including going swimming at their hotel, which was a first for noah and a first for this preggers! because my last pregnancy was mostly during the cold months i never went swimming when i was pregnant last time, but this year i put on my two-piece and enjoyed the water. it's true -- it really does feel great to swim when you are pregnant and i highly recommend it! we also went to the city of plano independence day parade, celebrated 4th of july with my family, and headed to the dallas world aquarium. lots of activities for someone in their 8th month, but they were all great and it wasn't ridiculously hot this week. in fact, it even rained some (in july? in texas?!)! i am so thankful that i am not one of the unlucky few who have to be on bedrest during my pregnancy and can go out and enjoy doing all these things! it was also nice to have matt home from work this week and get to spend some fun family time together.
swimming time!
in all my pregnant-swimsuit glory.
not my ideal muscular physique, but i love that baby bump!
and how could you not? i mean, i'm making a person!
showing off my two kiddos...
knowing it will never be this easy to carry them both again ;)
we also went for another appointment this week and got great news all around. the usual measurements were all reassuring, and my wonderful midwife counseled me regarding my fears of preterm labor. the best news? she told me that i shouldn't be doing any vacuuming or mopping right now and to basically take it as easy as possible. and yes, matt was in the room for this counsel ;) now, if you know me, you know that i can't just sit around. besides the fact that i like a clean house (which is a struggle with a 16 month old and a big, hairy dog) i also work in a busy ER. so, i'll have to encourage my husband to take over the vacuuming for at least the next few weeks and give in to my coworkers pleas to stop pushing stretchers and wheelchairs around the department (as much as possible, at least). i will struggle with it sometimes, but overall it sounds good to me :)
maternity quiz
total weight gain: ~12 lbs
maternity clothes: some of my smaller maternity shirts (that were for early on) are getting too small! my wardrobe is rapidly decreasing in size (both literal size and quantity!)
sleep: no bad dreams, and lots of good sleep thanks to matt being off work!
best moment this week: fun activities all around: swimming, eating out, dallas world aquarium, parades!
cravings: not really, enjoyed lots of tasty meals and treats this week (thanks, steve!!)
what i miss: my lap! reading stories to noah at naptime and bedtime is getting harder every week. he can still sit up there with no problem, but it's kind of uncomfortable for me since i have one squirmy kid looking at books on my lap and another in my uterus trying to kick her brother off my lap. aren't they too young to be shoving each other?!
what i'm looking forward to: next month! we are due next month!
weekly wisdom: take advantage of having just one kid to throw in the car, one kid's schedule to work around, one bottom to diaper, and a kiddo who sleeps through the night...it's all about to change (again!)
milestones: another week closer to full-term!