on saturday, september 29, we got the chance to see two of our good friends get married in dallas. the wedding was beautiful and we had a great time. crystal was a friend of mine in nursing school and matt helped rich coach my soccer team a few times. the wedding gave us a chance to catch up with friends we haven't been able to see all summer and to remind us that in a few months it will be US at the altar! the first pic is nearly inexplainable: somehow all the guys (significant others of girls from nursing school) dressed the same! we don't know when they sent out the memo, but we were all impressed! the second pic you see is of the happy couple seconds after being pronounced man and wife. the next pics are of matt and myself at the table and then dancing the night away! (we both had sore feet the next day)! and what did we keep hearing all night? "you're next!"
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