on the way home from work on the 24th, i learned from the radio that IHOP was celebrating "national pancake day" and they were giving out free short-stacks to everyone between 0700 and 2200 (er...that's 7am and 10pm). i quickly tried to call up anyone i could think of to go meet me for some pancakes...but alas, no one was available and matt was already in rockwall prepping his class for that morning. even my mom and my sisters were busy! i was pretty distraut, because what fun are free pancakes if you can't enjoy them *with* someone? but my mom came through, after she figured out a way to bring along my sister, sarah's kiddos, that she was babysitting that morning. and so, the 4 of us headed to IHOP to get some free breakfast. liv and jonah were *adorable* in their pj's eating pancakes and fruit, with liv constantly asking for "more syrup, please!" and jonah flashing his toothy grin at all the nearby tables. the pancakes were free, but there was a place where you could make donations to the children's hospital, so my mom did. liv was really excited about this and kept asking if she could get her name in the window (on a donation card). we told her that she could, and she was very excited about writing her name on it. the IHOP employees were impressed with her penmenship, as was liv...as you can see in the pics. yay for free pancakes and family time!
the kiddos in the car on the way to IHOP
jonah knows what to do when the camera is out...smile!
jonah enjoys his water
liv shows off her pajamas
liv with her donation card :)
1 comment:
cute! thanks for going to breakfast with the kids and for having your camera. i'm sure they loved every second of it.
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