on friday, the 11th, i went to sarah's house to visit for a while. "a while" turned into all day and we were able to catch up on all sorts of sisterly chatting while her two oldest kiddos were with their grammie proctor and ray was at work. when ray got home i was still at their home and we decided to venture out for dinner and eat at my house. for those who don't know, friday was the day that the torrential rain started in this area of texas. we got soaked trying to get into and out of taco bueno and stood under the shelter of the restaurant's patio/walkway area while thunder literally shook the building and lighting blazed in the sky! what a show! we eventually made it to my house for dinner and some more family time before we said our goodbyes. thanks for the visit, guys!
maddie dreams on my comfy chair
ready to go home
the abbreviated family!
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