my new badge :)
my vacation is over! as of tuesday, november 10th i was no longer unemployed (which lasted all of 11 days, technically). i accepted a position at mount carmel east (MCE) located about 20 minutes from our apartment. i will still be working as an ER nurse, and actually it's a hospital very similar to MCD (funny name coincidence, i i suppose i'll have to work at an MCF). their hospital has fewer inpatient beds, but more ER beds (50 as opposed to 40), and this hospital treats mainly adults. it is a chest pain and a stroke center, just like MCD, and is not a trauma center, just like MCD. the people all seem very friendly and helpful, and the place seems pretty organized thus far.
i had to attend hospital orientation on monday & tuesday (nov. 16 & 17), and today i was in the ER learning their computer system, mainly their charting/ordering/bed navigation system. i go back friday for my first 12 hour shift with a preceptor. for the first few weeks they won't let me orient on night shift, but they have compromised with me and are scheduling me for 12p-12a (noon - midnight) instead of 6a-6p. we all know that i'm very much *not* a day person, and waking up at 4am is not condusive to my person. so for this, i'm appreciative.
it's very awful being the new person all over again, espeically after being at a facility that i was assisting in running! while i never had all of the answers (and never expect to), i knew where things were and how the system worked. now i'm back to square one and i feel like a new grad all over again.....*sigh*
i will say that one of the most intimidating and weirdest things i have learned about here is how they handle severe weather. if you're from texas, this means thunderstorms and possibly tornadoes. here it means tornadoes and possibly blizzards. we were instructed on what to do in a "snow emergency" (which just seems so bizzare to me...coming from the land of no-snow!), it goes something like this, the county you live in is declared to have roads as one of the following:
level one: be cautious while driving, roads might be icy or slippery. i'm supposed to "allow extra time to get to work" per my employer.
level two: roads are hazardous, leave your house only if absolutely "necessary" (yes, i'm so special, my job is considered absolutely necessary). allow extra time to get to work, and if you are "already on shift, anticipate an extended shift" (yay)
level three (i know, how does it get worse than level two?!): roads are awful, they probably aren't even there. i assume at this point you use your snowshoes or snow-mobile to get to work, neither of which i have. the actual policy states "All roadways are closed to non-emergency personnel. No one should be driving during these conditions....Those traveling on the roads may subject themselves to arrest." uhm...hopefully my badge will keep me from getting arrested! i think you can all assume that the same "allow extra time" and "expect an extended shift" policies are in place here.
we'll see how it goes....
the main hospital, this is the original building built in 1972
my new home...the ER
the heart center at MCE