Monday, November 30, 2009

a girls day!

the craft fair...view from the stage

my wonderful in-laws invited me to the huge craft fair in columbus after thanksgiving. i went last year but was so overwhelmed by the huge-ness of it all that i didn't really get any pictures. i did slightly better this year, taking a few pics and attempting to not spend a bunch of money on all the extremely cute home-made and hand-made decorations, jewelry, foods and other not-so-necessary-but-fun-to-buy type things. i was accompained by pat & heather and matt's grandma, nan, and her friend, shirley. we had a wonderful time browsing around the various vendors, picking out christmas gifts and just spending time together.
after we had exhausted ourselves at the fair, we headed into gahanna for lunch. i had never really been into downtown gahanna, and i didn't know how cute it was! it was even better on this day because the city was having a holiday fair for their tree-lighting that evening. there were horse-drawn carriges, live music, an ice-skating area and pretty decorations everywhere! so festive! we walked around a bit....mostly because the whole area was closed to parking and we had to park in a garage far away.....and finally decided to have lunch at the old bag of nails pub. tasty!
thanks for the great day, ladies!


heather laughs at a tressel-dog pic

resting after walking around for 2+ hrs

the fountains in gahanna

the decorations

the big christmas tree

carriage rides!

at the pub

heather, nan, shirley and pat

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