on my commute to and from children's downtown, i kept seeing advertisements for the "red bull art of can" exhibit at the galleria. being long-time fans of red bull (it's gotten me through many a sleepy night at work, through nursing school, was included in our pre-wedding photos, helped matt survive his qualifying exams and write his dissertation and made all the road-trips to and from ohio possible!), i was intrigued to see what kind of exhibit this really was. i finally remembered to log online and found that it was a free art exhibit showcasing art made from and inspired by red bull. i coordinated with the family and on the 22nd we made the trip to the galleria with my parents and shari to view some truly creative pieces of art.
to see the inspiration behind the work and better understand the rules and process for the exhibit, go to redbullartofcan.com, which also has pictures of all the art, not just the ones i could get decent photos of!
people are so creative....i love it!
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