happy thanksgiving!

no hiding it now!
this week we got to celebrate both the holiday and the joy of being 23 weeks into our pregnancy! i am happy to report that everything still seems to be going well. we have our next appointment next week, so we'll be able to report a little more about our son on the next post.
unfortunately, i had to work thanksgiving night this year (a disadvantage to being the new kid at the job!) but we still made a quick appearance at my cousin's house to see the extended family and enjoy some traditional holiday foods. i can definitely say that i enjoyed thanksgiving this year more than any other year....no excuses as to why i went back for seconds and maternity pants are *always* comfy! even though we hadn't really "planned" this pregnancy, i think that being preggers during the holiday season is something we might aim for again :)
i only have a few pictures from turkey day (i was only there for about 1.5 hours) and some new belly pics.
hope you had a great turkey day, too!
the majority of the family, watching the cowboys game
the ladies in the kitchen
our little family is growing!
I found a "weekly maternity quiz" online that seems like a fun way to help keep track of the changes every week....hope you enjoy!
How far along? 23 weeks
Weight gain/loss: ~ 8 lbs. total (although I’m not sure how much of that has to do with Thanksgiving….)
Maternity clothes? Yes! And oh, so comfy!
Stretch marks? Notta one
Sleep? Pretty much whenever I can! This week was a little busy, so probably not as much as I should have…
Best moment this week? Getting to enjoy as much Thanksgiving food as I wanted…without getting funny looks!
Food cravings: Nothing specific. I’ve finally moved past the cocoa puffs phase, though!
Gender: little boy!
Belly button in or out? In for now
What I miss? Ziegen Bock beer
What I'm looking forward to: our appointment next week
Weekly wisdom: Today I am pregnant, and I love my baby and my body!
Milestones: Shari (my eldest sister) got to feel the baby move!
1 comment:
You look so cute, I miss being around! I'm glad you've found such good use for your maternity pants, I'm not preggers but I could have used some of those for Thanksgiving!
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