here we are at 31 weeks! baby continues to grow and move like crazy in there, and every day i am more and more amused at how much he can shift the entire contour of my stomach when he decides to change positions. he continues to be most active around 5pm (when i'm headed into work, usually) and around 5am (when i'm ready to leave work...but still have a few hours to go). according to the growth charts our baby is "about the size of a squash." translation: he should be about 15.2 - 16.7 inches long and weigh around 2.5 - 3.8 lbs!
we did get to go to another appointment this week and everything checked out perfectly. the best news? the midwife told me that she thinks it feels like he's in a head-down position. while he still has plenty of time to flip back and forth, at least we know he can get where he needs to be for the delivery. and with him running out of room in there, hopefully he won't do too much flipping anyway!

How far along? 31 weeks
Weight gain/loss: ~19 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Yes!
Stretch marks? None so far
Sleep? Still no problems sleeping, but I have to be on my sides now...i am a stomach sleeper usually and I haven’t been able to get away with that for the last few weeks!
Best moment this week? getting to go to a second OB visit this month
Food cravings: nothing specific…
Gender: little boy!
Belly button in or out? In for now
What I miss? Hugging my husband “like normal” (although it’s totally worth the awkward hug to know I’ve got a little person in the way!)
What I'm looking forward to: a less busy schedule in February to work on the nursery
Weekly wisdom: just enjoying every day
Milestones: baby is in a head-down position!
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