on sunday we celebrated my 26 years of life on this planet. we partied at my parents' house with a tasty dinner of brisket, home-made rolls, potato salad, macaroni and cheese, salad and other tasty treats. for an appetizer? the long-awaited margarita! for those of you that know me (or have been following the blog for any length of time) you know that i was *really* missing texas frozen margaritas when we lived in ohio. so, of course, i was excited when we decided to move back and was planning on celebrating with a round of margaritas with friends and family... then we found out we were pregnant. i was thrilled about the pregnancy, but slightly sad that i wouldn't be able to enjoy the frozen concoction for another 8 months. i had promised myself a margarita on my birthday because i knew at that point i would be full-term and that a single 'rita wouldn't hurt. little did i know that i wouldn't have to worry about being pregnant at all because noah had other plans! i guess i should thank him for coordinating my maternity leave around my birthday, also...
speaking of noah, this year we also got to figure out how to coordinate our birthday plans around a little one's schedule, and had to pack the car accordingly for a day away from home (read: collapsable bassinet, play mat, diaper bag, etc.). we actually did surprisingly well, i thought, and arrived at mom's house in time to feed noah and have him down before dinner and the birthday song. he partied like he has at the last few celebrations, by sleeping (and that's not a complaint, by the way!). the only sad thing about the party? my dad had been sent to japan by Texas Instruments a few days before to help assess the damage to their facilities there, so he wasn't able to celebrate with us. it's the first time he's ever missed my birthday party, but he promised to celebrate with me when he's back in town with dinner and margaritas at chuy's. yum :)
as always, we had lots of fun and i enjoyed the time with family and the totally different experience of celebrating a birthday as a mommy. cheers to many more to come!
the makings of a good birthday: margaritas, roses from my in-laws, a present from my hubby (that i've wanted for a long time!)
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