our little man got to enjoy his first major holiday this past sunday -- easter! now, we all know what a party animal our little king is, but he took this holiday especially seriously -- utilizing this particular day as a "time for personal growth" (i.e. a growth spurt!). that's right, our sweet little boy decided that he wanted to eat every 2 hours and spend most of his time within arms reach of his mother. despite his slight fussiness and constant eating, we had a wonderful time celebrating easter with my mom's family. as always, there was fabulous food, wonderful company, and a large-scale egg hunt for the little ones, which noah didn't really get to participate in and didn't seem too excited about... next year, though, i'm sure he'll be more than ready!
fortunately, after his 2 hour intervals noah settled in for the night and ended up sleeping for nearly 6 hours before waking up to eat! yay!
celebrating holidays as a parent is already a very different experience, but i can't wait until noah is a little older and able to enjoy holidays as much as we do. speaking of parents, a big thanks to my mom's family for loving on our slightly cranky little man during the day and an even bigger thanks to my mom who let us crash at her house after the festivities and helped me with noah all night! thank you, thank you!
happy easter, everyone! i hope your day was truly blessed and full of joy as God intended!
more easter pics:
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