besides being his usual cheery self, noah has been adding words to his vocabulary daily. he now easily says all of the following words and knows their meanings: belly button, belly, bye-bye, night-night, cow, "key" for money, donkey and keys, book, cracker, block, clock, eat, and up. and those are in addition to all the words he's already been saying! he's at a point now where if we tell him a word he will repeat it back to us, so we add new words all the time. this also means we *really* have to be careful what we say around him. noah has also been practicing learning his body parts and can readily identify for you his: hair, ears, cheeks, nose, teeth, mouth, belly button and belly, toes and feet. it's so cute to see him understand what we are saying to him, but it's also frustrating when i can tell he's just choosing not to listen....welcome toddler years, right?
speaking of choosing to listen... mostly, noah is very good about picking up his toys and putting things "back" when we ask him to. the other day i told him we were ready for snack and he was so excited he went to his high chair and pushed it out of the corner we keep it in, then said "eat, eat!" i told him we had to put all the toys back first, so he ran around the living room returning everything to the proper buckets before returning to the high chair. it's amazing how much he understands and how willing he is to help.... when he's in the mood. ;)
other skills noah has mastered this month include climbing on and off the couch and other furniture -- talk about a big step towards his independence -- and walking backwards. yes, backwards. i'm not sure why our son started moonwalking, exactly, but my guess is that it might have something to do with the fact that he spends a good part of his day pal-ing around with lexi, our lab. because we have hard flooring through most of our house, our big silly dog doesn't have much traction when she walks, so shortly after we installed the new floors (a couple years ago now), she began walking backwards through parts of the house. whatever works, i guess. and now our son will randomly walk backwards through the house as well. i should probably also mention (so i don't forget years from now) that our son also barks when he gets home. yes, he barks. noah used to hate riding in the car and it was a relief for all of us when we would *finally* arrive home (even if the trip had only lasted 5 minutes). during the months with nicer weather lexi would stay outside during our outings and she would start barking when she heard the garage door open. we always asked noah, "who is that?! is that lexi dog? is she barking because you're home?!" and since the first animal sound noah learned was "wff, wff" he would oblige us with a few barks to answer our question...and stop his fussing. so now, without being asked and without any prompting at all, when noah realizes we are pulling into the garage he barks...every time. thanks, lexi.
in addition to all of the above, noah has also continued to accompany me to OB appointments and spent father's day with his daddy and papa john. we tend to stay pretty busy around here, i can only imagine what adding one more to the mix is going to do! check back soon for more updates!
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2012-06-25 |
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