Monday, May 12, 2014

36 weeks

we have made it to 36 weeks (and counting)! and as a bonus, this week was also mother's day so i was able to enjoy time with my three sweet kiddos -- even if the youngest is still in utero.  i also got the chance to dress the family up and take maternity photos with my baby bump.  in other good news, we are officially past the point i was at when i delivered with noah, and there seem to be no signs that this sweet boy will arrive before he is full-term.  yay!
baby boy is now about 6 lbs and 18.5 inches long per the websites and such, and he continues to be very active and remain head-down.  now we just wait for him to decide he's ready for a birthday!

maternity quiz
sleep: no notable changes
best moment this week: mother's day! 
what i miss: i feel like any flexibility i had in my abdomen is *completely* gone.  this kid will surprise me if he weighs less than his siblings. 
what i'm looking forward to: week 37, because then i *know* we can deliver at the birthing center :)
weekly wisdom:  continue to enjoy it while i can... and my husband has told me to take advantage of being "the pregnant one" at work.
milestones: creeping on up to full-term!  and happy we got the maternity photos taken care of, i was a little worried he might show up before we had them done!

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