Here's a great picture...Matt is controlling the computer from the floor (thank you, bluetooth/wireless technology!) so the kids can play "starfall" while he "rests his eyes"
I'm pretty sure this is life with a newborn and 2 older kids all summed up in one pic!
The other day we had this exchange:
Noah: mommy, what's that baby saying?
Me: he's just trying to make noise, Noah. He doesn't really know words yet.
Noah: Oh. But I can teach him words, mommy!
::Noah turns to Evan::
Baby Evan, I can teach you words and the alphabet, okay?
::looking back at me::
He says "okay," mommy.

We also have a little night owl, some sweet little girl has been waking up in the middle of the night. Matt and I will hear her playing in her room, even though she will eventually fall back asleep and never calls for us or cries. It's obviously catching up with her, though...this was the pic I snapped of her the other day when she sat down next to me while I was feeding Evan:

While Evan eats: my legs turn into a jungle gym and Sam utilizes the bouncy seat.
As long as no one is fighting, screaming, crying, or getting into something they aren't supposed to I'm okay with it.

In other big news, Sam said her first complete sentence! I stole this from my fb:
In this house, we've nick-named Noah "the narrator" because he is very loquacious and will tell you about anything and everything. I am fairly certain that part of the reason Samantha doesn't speak as much is because her big brother answers questions for her. While I've been on maternity leave so far, I've really been encouraging her to speak.
So tonight I was thrilled to hear her say her first real sentence (more than just two words together)!
"Noah, where are you?"

Then the next day she used the potty for the first time! Which coincided with Noah laying out his pajamas and getting himself dressed all by himself! These are the things that make a mom so very proud!
My kids are growing up, especially when they say things like this:
I need to hold the baby like you do, mommy, so I can burp him."

The kids have been enjoying swim time with their cousins and Grandma Sharon. The other day I caught these great pics of the kids splashing :)
How do you entertain little ones while you take care of the newborn? Balloons!
Some furniture shopping
Spending time with the Childers cousins
Just so I can remember what meal times look like...with frozen berries for dessert.
Look what Samantha figured out....great.
My little fashionista with her accessories.
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