unusual for a friday night, we got invited out not to one event, but two! unfortunately we were only able to make one (they both started at the same time) and we went to the one we had been invited to first, a game night at ryan and carrie's house (sorry jay & mel!). we got there around 1930 and were greeted by ryan who promptly placed stickers on our back. the game was to ask yes or no questions to figure out who you were (the sticker had the name of a celebrity, movie character, singer, etc. on it). matt was frank sinatra and i was audrey hepburn. after everyone had guessed who they were, some with more help than others, we proceeded into the living room to play "werewolf" or "mafia" the game goes by both names, but the version we played involved people turning into werewolves. the gist of the game is to figure out who are the "werewolves" and who are "villagers," it's a kind of who-dunnit game because for about half of it you have your eyes closed! it was loads of fun! i only got to be a werewolf once, but matt suspected me and snitched me out right away!! other than the games, there was tons of good food and lots of laughing. thanks, ryan and carrie, for a great game night!

a pic of the ladies
the guests
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