our "baby" girl
today is lexi's second birthday. can you believe it? our little girl is practically all grown up! her puppy ways have definitely calmed and i am happy to report that we now own a rather lazy dog who enjoys sunning herself in the mornings (usually when i get home from work), sleeping (days, nights, whenever) and eating. this doesn't mean she doesn't also enjoy chasing the occasional squirrel or bunny that crosses our yard, or barking at relatively innocent looking neighbors and passers-by. she's also fairly well-trained, and continues to make improvements with her manners (i.e. not jumping on people....we're *still* working on that). one of my favorite things about her is that she recognizes my car. if she's in the back yard when i'm driving behind our house she'll chase my car the lenght of the fence and then bark at the gate and then the back door because she knows it's me! so cute! she also knows now when we are talking about her because matt & i have a "lexi voice." it typically makes her sound pretty dopey, and not very girly...but she's always very excited when we use it because she knows it's all about her.
for those who aren't tired of reading about our dog, here's a little more info on her:
she loves to be brushed, but she still hates having her nails clipped (even though i haven't cut her yet...knock on wood!). she likes walks but hates to run. she will stay at the back door, and the front door, but run out the gate if it gets left open. she's very good pest control, she eats any bug that wanders into our house. she only walks down the left side of the stairs, and likes to sleep wrapped up in the curtains. her favorite toy is a kong brand blue bone-shaped chew toy, but she hates the new black one we bought for her. she loves peanut butter, and ice, but will eat pretty much anything you give her. anytime she gets a chance, she still sleeps under the kitchen table...even though she can only fit under there now if we have at least two of the chairs pulled out. she will only sleep on whatever floor we are on (i.e. if we fall asleep on the couch, she'll stay right next to the couch, but if we're upstairs, she won't sleep downstairs). her favorite place to be when we are awake is in the room we're in, or on the stairs landing. she has destroyed and devoured every type of flower i have planted in the back yard (and no, cayenne pepper doesn't work!). she sheds like crazy, slobbers when she gets a drink and can be an awful pain in the butt sometimes, but nearly 2 years after bringing her home, we still love her an awful lot, and now we can't imagine life without her.
happy birthday, lex!
the day we picked her out...so innocent looking!
the day we brought her home
her 1st birthday, a year ago!
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