34 weeks of baby growing, right here!
our little man is getting bigger all the time and is obviously running out of space in there. he is still very active and likes to distort my abdomen into all sorts of weird shapes as he rolls and kicks when he feels it necessary to remind me i'm taking up too much of his room.
we got to take our maternity pics this week and the weather was mostly cooperative (it was a little too windy, but otherwise okay). i can't wait to see them!
we also had another OB appointment this week and everything checked out just right. the midwife said our little man still seems to be in the head-down position and that his little bottom does feel like it's just under the right side of my rib cage (where it seems to have been for most of the last several months). this visit was the first one matt couldn't make because of his work schedule, but i was able to come home and bring all sorts of fun paperwork. no, really. if anything made it seem like this whole pregnancy thing was about to turn into a real-life event it was the stuff i brought home: a list of numbers to call when we go into labor, information for the birth certificate, waivers and consents for certain treatments after the baby is born and a handy-dandy guide for "when to call" (which matt was especially relieved to have for the refrigerator door). wow....pregnancy is almost over and we are about to be parents. a little person will be living with us in another few weeks and we know (but not really) that nothing will ever be the same. so weird that everything is about to change so quickly! so exciting!
for those who are following the weekly quiz:
How far along? 34 weeks
Weight gain/loss: ~20 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Yes!
Stretch marks? None so far
Sleep? No problems with sleep itself, but I do have to make several trips to the bathroom now. Apparently, he doesn’t like sharing his space with my bladder.
Best moment this week? a great OB appointment!
Food cravings: apparently, it’s oranges
Gender: little boy!
Belly button in or out? Still an innie
What I miss? It seems silly….but sometimes I miss wearing a belt! I don't get to accessorize like that right now.
What I'm looking forward to: seeing this amazing little person be born
Weekly wisdom: I just can’t get frustrated about having a big belly that “gets in the way”…there is a whole person in there and I still think that’s the coolest thing ever!
Milestones: we have the list of who to call if we go into labor and the stuff for birth certificate information!
the bare belly pic

i realized when i got home that i *might* have had a craving for oranges this week...
thank you, costco!
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