me and the little man at 33 weeks along!
according to the charts, our baby is roughly the size of a honeydew this month. which means he is between 17.2 -18.7 inches long and weighs 4.2 - 5.8 lbs! as my mom would point out when i was younger and needed a visual, 5 lbs is a sack of sugar...which means i'm carrying around a whole sack of sugar in there by now! crazy!
in other news, i've finally kicked my sinus infection and have been able to sleep without problems, taste my food and smell every pleasant (and not-so-pleaseant, read: pediatric ER RN) smell once again. yay!
the other big news this week? 33 weeks technically marks the 8 month milestone! how am i already 8 months pregnant? and how is it possible we haven't done a thing for the nursery? the latter question came to full force during our home arrest courtesy of the texas freak "ice-pocalypse" of 2011. for more on the weather and pics to prove that it can (and did) snow in texas -- a lot-- see my
previous post. i started to get a taste of the nesting instincts while sequestered inside for 2 days due to weather while simultaneously realizing that the baby is now due NEXT month. fortunately, my wonderful husband was able to reassure me and help me figure out enough of a plan to get things together (read: crib, changing table, infant carrier, etc.) that my mind was put at ease and we were able to enjoy a couple days off together. someday soon, that man is going to be a great dad to our little one! :)
looking for more info? here's the weekly quiz:
How far along? 33 weeks
Weight gain/loss: ~20 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Yes!
Stretch marks? None so far
Sleep? Not a problem this week (esp. compared to last week)
Best moment this week? kicking my sinus infection and getting back to enjoying pregnancy
Food cravings: big fatty burgers…I have yet to indulge, though!
Gender: little boy!
Belly button in or out? In for now
What I miss? Starting to miss my lung volume. Our little man likes to stick his little bum under the right side of my ribcage
What I'm looking forward to: the possibility of meeting this little man next month!
Weekly wisdom: it’s almost over, so I’m trying to cherish each kick and comment, each smile I get as strangers see my baby belly and the knowledge that our little man will soon get to join us on this side of the womb.
Milestones: month 8! (already?!)
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