Saturday, June 28, 2008


so, to follow up on my previous "6 months in" is more of what we do on our free nights. pickin's are slim, since we don't have gobs of disposable income and my schedule is so crazy. we tend to spend most of our time together between the hours of 5 or 6pm and 2-3am, though sometimes i can convince matt to stay up with me later (so we can go get donuts or make breakfast together!). sometimes we'll go see movies, but that requires waking up "early," like, before 3pm, so we can see a matinée. we'll also go out to eat, but it tends to be more expensive and much less healthy than eating at home anyway. besides, when your prime hours together are after things close, shopping, dining out and theaters aren't great options. what do we normally do? play cards, play board games, watch movies at home, take lexi on long walks (she prefers this during the hot months anyway), and, as seen in this post, buy ice cream at the store and try a sample of each! this was actually a way to convince my husband we didn't need to go out to eat... something he enjoys a great deal and i would probably be fine never doing again if not for social engagements and a few favorite entrees! we went to the grocery store and i persuaded him with the idea of having our own ice cream sampling at home. we each picked a few flavors, then headed home to try them after dinner. it was way more fun (and, naturally, less expensive) than eating out, and we found a new favorite flav! enjoy the pics :)

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