Monday, September 14, 2009

september birthdays

the birthday girls!

time again for the annual september festivities: mom & shari's birthday celebrations! this year we celebrated on 9/13, sunday, with brisket, homemade rolls, broccoli salad, homemade mac & cheese, and homemade cinnamon rolls (using the cinnabon recipe!). it was all very tasty, and a lot of fun. you can tell from the last few birthday posts that we've continually moved away from traditional birthday cakes at our celebrations, and this party was no different. notice shari's "33" candles are in the cinnamon rolls, and mom's "52" candles are in a homemade flan, prepared by dana! as always, we had a great time, unfortunately, i had to go to work at 11pm :/ that tends to put a damper on a lot of my celebrating, but it pays the bills...
happy birthday, shari & mom!!!

preparing the feast in the kitchen

what our dinners look like now

mom & shari with their birthday desserts

shari first!

mom's turn (with maddie's help)

mom shows off the flowers i bought her :)

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