Thursday, May 20, 2010

it runs in the family

this post is solely for the purpose of showing off the two athletes in the family: matt & lexi. as you know, lexi has recently taken up frisbee for her leisure-time activity. matt, on the other hand, has returned to golf. at his dad's invitation, matt has been taking advantage of his time between jobs to brush up his golf game. he assures me that in the business world a good golf game will come in handy...he claims this as "research" and "job preparation." riiiiight. not that he needs to justify it to me, anyone who knows my hubby knows that he works hard and can justify some time on the links with his dad. so......enjoy your golf time, honey, you've earned it!

i should also note, that *all* the pics for this post were taken by matt -- thanks, honey! it also means that he is not actually in any of them...sorry!

lex with her frisbee

run, girl!!!

i *love* this pic, she looks like a puppy!

steve takes a swing as uncle larry watches

a perfect golf pose

enjoying the scenery

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