Tuesday, July 28, 2009

a walk in the rain

on sunday we spent some time at my parents house with the family. we figured this would be one of our last chances to hang out with the whole family before matt has to leave for ohio (on saturday! yikes!). we enjoyed some fun with the family and even decided that after the cooler weather blew in that we should go for a walk. we were hoping we could help coax out sarah & ray's next arrival since she's due any day now. dad had checked the radar and, much to our disappointment, had told us that all the big storms we saw to the south were going to miss us, so we headed out. what started out as sarah and i quickly turned into sarah, shari and i, then all of the kids and our mom, too! we were just walking around the block, and got about half-way around before the skies opened up. the kids thought it was great, and although none of us adults were complaining about the rain, it actually got quite cold! once we got back to mom & dad's house, everyone was ready to go home and change into dry clothes. so much for all the weather missing us!

getting ready for the walk

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