Monday, February 8, 2010

superbowl sunday!

football fans...always!

this year for the big game, we headed to claire and bryan's house with a few other couples for food and football. the food was tasty, the game was close, and the commercials were decent...what more could you ask for? we had lots of fun, especially since i had been fighting a stomach ache and matt had been fighting a headache shortly before game time. by the time we got there, we were both feeling a little better, and with the game and friends to concentrate on, our symptoms quickly left us. unfortunately, i didn't get very many pics because the lighting wasn't quite right and my camera isn't so fancy, so i'll post the few that i have. hope you enjoyed your superbowl sunday, wherever you were. of course, as the commercial says, "tomorrow, we are all undefeated"... go cowboys!

bryan, kevin & lindsey watching the game

the girls in the kitchen

kevin & lindsey watch as the saints have the lead

misty, claire & bryan's dog, snuggled on the couch,
enjoying the game with the rest of us

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