Saturday, November 20, 2010

22 weeks!

here are some pics of me and our baby boy at 22 weeks into the pregnancy!

to date, and according to our scale, i've only gained about 6 lbs so far...but that is not a complaint! people can now tell pretty easily that i'm carrying a little one around with me, but they always look shocked when i tell them that i'm 5 1/2 months along :) it's definitely an ego-booster to hear things like, "you're so tiny!" since, prior to my pregnancy, i'd *never* been associated with the word "tiny"! and i'm hoping that this means that it's continuing to be a very healthy pregnancy for both the baby and myself. also, our little boy is kicking more and more all the time, which his daddy loves to hear about and feel when he can. mostly, i think, so he can tell me how we will have a little soccer player running around the house before too long :)

what i look like when i'm not "showing off" my baby bump.

according to the growth charts, our little monkey is about the size of a papaya (seriously, they couldn't pick a more common fruit?!) at this point in the pregnancy. this translates into somewhere between 10.5 - 11.8 inches and and 12.7 - 20.8 ounces!

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