Saturday, June 16, 2012

30 weeks

30 weeks along and continuing to enjoy my part in this miracle.  nothing specifically new to report this week, especially since i don't go for my repeat glucose test until next week.  until then i'm bound to be fairly nervous and very anxious.  luckily i have a wonderful support system and people who are willing to pray with me and for me regarding the outcome.
our little should now weigh somewhere around 3 lbs and has the ability to open and close her eyes.  i find myself at the point now where i'm getting excited about meeting her and actually getting to hold her, but we have conversations all the time that she needs to "outlast" her brother and stay in there until at least 37 weeks of gestation.  i'm probably the *only* pregnant woman in the state of texas praying that she goes to full term with a due date at the end of august... it's better than the alternative, though!

maternity quiz
total weight gain: ~12 lbs
maternity clothes: still not requiring more than shirts, but one of my pairs of shorts is pretty much out of my selected wardrobe now...the snaps are too uncomfortable. 
sleep: weird dreams, and waking up with a bit of anxiety over that next glucose test
best moment this week: getting to spend time with my husband after not having a day off with him for 4 weeks in a row! it was nice to enjoy some time with our little family of three! (three and a half?)
cravings: hardly wanted to eat anything because i'm so fearful of this glucose test.  trying to eat a ton of protein and avoid sugar, carbs, etc.  it's tricky and not much fun :/
what i miss: a carefree pregnancy, free of worries over my blood sugar levels!
what i'm looking forward to: obviously, getting that silly test out of the way!
weekly wisdom: healthy mom, healthy baby....that's the most important thing!
milestones: 30 weeks! 7 weeks till full-term! :D

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