Friday, September 7, 2012

4 weeks

it's hard to believe that sammy has been in our lives for a whole month already! this week was spent adjusting to life in our new house and trying to get organized as much as possible.  i couldn't truly anticipate how difficult this would be with two kids (both under the age of two, and one of those needing to nurse around the clock), but this week was made *much* easier by having matt's father and his fiance here this week.  steve and jacquie flew into town at the end of last week and were here to help for the move and were a *huge* help with packing, moving, watching/holding/distracting the kiddos, and even feeding us!  i can't imagine how hard this week would have been without their help!
of course, on moving day we had tons of help that made our move possible.  a special thanks to my friends colston, jerimey, and bobby, and my dad & mom, sister shari and brother jared.  we definitely couldn't have done it without you!
as far as our little girl is concerned, she wasn't too impressed by the move.  we had to be at the house early in the morning so they would turn on the natural gas (to power our stove, hot water heater, etc.).  because we had to be there so early, she was the first to eat in our new house (while i sat on the floor, since we had no furniture yet!), and she snuggled in jacquie's arms or in her bassinet while i started unpacking and organizing things.  while we were at the new house, all those wonderful guys loaded up two trailers (thanks, jerimey!) worth of furniture and boxes and began the real moving.  it was a long day, but a productive one, and now hopefully things will settle down a bit.
sammy's been a little more fussy than she was previously and i can't tell if it's from the move and subsequent stress on the family, or if she might actually have reflux like noah did (Lord, please no!).  only time will tell, so check back soon for more updates!

quality time with daddy

me: running out of lap space! :)

playtime with daddy... or maybe naptime? ;) 

some love from her big brother 

just enjoying some tummy time 

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