Monday, May 5, 2014

35 weeks!

We're nearing the end of this pregnancy, where has the time gone!?  Nothing particularly special to report this week.  We did attempt to get some yardwork done on Friday, which would have gone better but we were juggling the physical labor required to trim bushes, pull weeds, plant new flowers, and spread bark mulch with having to entertain and monitor our very active 3-year old and almost 2-year old.  It was a little tricky.  We got the front yard pretty much done (Yippee!) and it looks great, but the backyard still needs some attention.  I did pretty well for doing that much moving and planting and lifting at 35 weeks, but I woke up the next morning all stiff and with the low-back/sciatic pain that pregnant women are so prone to.  Dangit! I took some tylenol and it seemed to clear it right up, but I had to take some more before I went to work that night.  No real problems since then, and it doesn't seem to have thrown me into early labor (Yippee again!).
Approximate weight for baby boy this week is 5.25 lbs and length of about 18 inches -- roughly the size of a cantaloupe!

maternity quiz
sleep: no notable changes
best moment this week: knowing that i can still do some manual labor in the yard at 35 weeks -- makes me feel a bit like a super woman.  raawr! ;)
what i miss: the cooler/less humid air!  just this week after all that yardwork and my 12 hour shifts i've started seeing a tiny bit of swelling in my ankles and fingers :/  i've noticed it's only bed after i've been at work for a few days in a row and/or it's really warm or humid.  i've never had swelling during a pregnancy before! 
what i'm looking forward to: two weeks from now when i'm full-term!  i will be much more relaxed!
weekly wisdom: every day we are a little bit closer to full-term!  also, just because the other two King babies arrived early doesn't mean this one will! (I'm a little worried that I'll be disappointed if this baby waits until 40 weeks to show up, because that's not was I've been conditioned to expect from my kids!) The plus side of a 40 week delivery?  He would have a birthday in June, which would stand out on my side of the family.  The only June birthday currently is his Aunt Heather's!
milestones: Hopefully he won't arrive in the next week or two, but if he did he's likely to not need much in the way of interventions! Way to go, baby boy!

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