Sunday, April 27, 2014

34 weeks

34 weeks and getting closer to meeting this boy all the time!  My schedule continues to be demanding, but I work with understanding co-workers who understand my need to eat and take bathroom breaks frequently ;)  The kids are a little less understanding, but this week I think Noah has really started to understand the whole "we're having a baby" concept.  He now frequently tells me that "Your tummy is big, mommy! You've got a baby in there!"  I think it helps that we've already had two of our close friends deliver their babies and Noah has had the chance to meet the newborns (Yay for baby Alexander and baby Ellie!).  I'm not sure how Sam will respond, but she seems to do well when we are around our friends' babies.
The cutest thing this week was that I was telling Noah that we are getting ready to go to another appointment (tomorrow) and Noah was excited.  He tells me that "We are going to see the midwife at the birthday center for the mommy and baby to get a check up."  When he was talking to Matt about it, Matt told him that he wasn't going to be able to go because he had to work.  Noah protested and told him, "NO, daddy! It's our turn to see the midwife! You can't go to work!"  Awww, sweet boy wants the whole family there :)
Weekly stats: baby weighs around 4.75 lbs and is about 18 inches long!

maternity quiz
sleep: no notable changes
best moment this week: The conversation between Matt and Noah described above and getting to spend time with our friends and their babies on Friday! 
cravings: chipotle! steak burrito bowls are excellent!
what i miss: sleeping on my stomach
what i'm looking forward to: planning on getting some yard work done so i can sit back and enjoy the outside this summer while i'm nursing a baby every 3 hours.  i'm not looking forward to the work, per-se, but the end result should be nice! 
weekly wisdom: relax, and trust God.  he knit this baby together in my womb, and he is ultimately in control of when he arrives and how the labor/delivery/etc goes 
milestones: we're getting closer and closer to not requiring a NICU stay if this baby boy decides to show up early ;)

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